Mantova is found in the Italian region of Lombardy.
It's a great combination of old city and beautiful watery countryside, which can be best visited by the use of the bike path that circles the city core along the lakeshore. Ask at your hotel about bike rental.
Mantua historic center become a UNESCO world heritage site in 2007. It's a very nice medium-sized city to visit. The tourist attractions and recommended hotels are marked on the map. Click them to find out more, or to see specifics on the hotels.
Map of Mantua Showing Tourist Attractions
Mantua Travel Toolbox
The main train station is in Piazzale Don Leoni on the northeast side of the city center. Two recommended hotels near the train station are shown on the map.
To find out how to get to Mantua via public transportation, see: Travel to Mantua
You can arrive at Mantova by boat along the Po river. Bikers will want to get the map/brochure called Mantova in Bici (Mantua by Bike) at the tourist office (see map for location).
The most southerly button on the map is the interesting Palazzo del Te, the pleasure palace of Federico II Gonzaga. Find out more by reading: Mantua and the Erotic Art of the Palazzo del Te.
To see pictures and a guide to the many attractions in Mantova, see Martha's Italy Mantova Guide. You can travel just a bit to the west to the town of Grazie and visit one of the most incredible churches I've ever laid eyes upon. Santuario della Beata Vergine Maria delle Grazie has a crododile hanging from its rafters and that's not the half of it!
Where to Stay
Besides the three hotels marked on the map, The bed and breakfast B&B Casa del Teatro is very highly rated and in a central location in Mantua. You can also use the lodging map at the bottom of the page.